Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Case Project #3

1. XYZ Corporation Nshua, NH facilities are two office buildings located 400 feet apart, each with its own LAN. to connect the two networks you planned to dig a trench and lay cable in conduit between the two buildings. You want to use fiber optic cable byut your budget-concious facilities manager wants to use thin wire Ethernet. What's the best reason you can use to justify fiber optic cable in this case?

d. Fiber-optic leaves more room for growth and for future needs for increase bandwidth than thinnet does.

2. TVBCA is moving to new facilities. Its new campus includes 3 buildings, each no more than 100 meters apart from the others. The network is to link all the buildings together. Each of the buildings is to be remodoled, so their plenty of space to run cable and put the network together.

Required Result: The network must support speeds up to 100 mbps.
Optional Desired Results: The netwrok should be as secure as possible from electronic eavestrapping. to stay within TVBCA's budget, the network should also be as inexpensive as possible.
Proposed Soltuion: The network staff suggests using a fiber optic backbone to link all 3 buildings. Which results does this sulotion deliver? Then Why?

a. The proposed delivers the required result and both of the optional desired results.\

3.An advertising firm desides to intall a netwrok to link all employees computers together. The company plans to introduce some videos teleconferencing software accross the board and plans to use e-mail and data base applications heavily. Because of the anticipated load on the netwrok, you want it to be as fast as possible.

Required Result: The network must operate at speeds of up to 100 mbps.
Optional Desired Results: The cabling shopuld be as inexpensive as it can also, since you have to do the work herself, you want it to be easy to install.
Proposed Solution: You suggest using category 5 UTP and hubs to cannect all the workstations. Which result does this proposed produce? Explain.

a. The proposed delivers the required result and both of the optional desired results.

4. XYZ Corporatiopn decides to bring mobile computing to its field engineers. the feild engineer is to be supplied with the loptap, a ortable fax printer, and some kind of wireless tranmission device. Re

Required Results: Field engineers must be able to send e-mail to and recieve it from employees at the headquarters operation.
Optional desired Results: The wirless technology choosen shoulld be as cheap as posssible. It should also be secure from electronic eavestrapping.
Porposed Solution: The network manager recommends leasing a cellular links from GTE mobile net for 2500$ a month, plus airtime charges and encryption fees. Which results does this solution deliver? Explain.

a. The proposed delivers the required result and only one of the optional desired results.

Monday, December 3, 2007





Case #1:

1.I choose a server-based- networking beacuse it can handle more users or any networks where resources are used heavily. Server-based-network provide centralize control over network resources.A single password for network logon delivers access to all resources. A Server-based-networking makes the most sense for networks with 10 or more usres or any networks.
2. A combination of two networks they are the server-based-networks and peer-to-peer networks. The American Tool and Die needed a good output of there works and they wanted to monitor each of there resources and users. with the use of these two combination of networks its easy to them to share and monitors there inventory and resources of each every one.every one esources are used heavily.